§ 12-20-7 Witness fees. (a) The fees of witnesses shall be:
(1) For every day's attendance before the supreme or superiorcourt, or before any other tribunal or magistrate, including attendance ingiving depositions, except that no officer or other employee of the state or ofany city or town shall be entitled to receive a fee for attendance if he or sheattends during his or her regular hours of employment for which he or she isentitled to receive his or her ordinary salary or if he or she appears outsidehis or her regular hours of employment and is entitled to receive additionalcompensation from his or her employer for attendance: $10.00
(2) For every mile's travel: $0.10
(3) For every day's commitment in jail upon default to enterinto recognizance with surety: $2.00
(4) For any witness who shall come from without thejurisdiction of the state to testify in behalf of the state, in any criminalproceedings, any sum, in addition to this travel and attendance, that the courtbefore which the proceedings are had shall deem proper.
(b) In addition to the fees provided in subsection (a) ofthis section, witnesses summoned and testifying as experts in behalf of thestate, or any person acting as an interpreter, before the supreme, superior, ordistrict court, may be allowed and paid any sum that the court may deem justand reasonable.