§ 12-25.1-2 Definitions. For purposes of this chapter:
(1) "Alleged criminally responsible person" means a personwho has been indicted or against whom a criminal information has been proferredfor the commission of a felony committed within the state of Rhode Island whichcaused another person to suffer personal injury or loss of property, but whohas not yet been either convicted or acquitted of the charge nor had the chargedismissed.
(2) "Child" means an unmarried person who is under eighteen(18) years of age and includes a stepchild or an adopted child.
(3) "Commercial exploitation" means any significantcommercial exploitation by means of any publication, reenactment,dramatization, interview, depiction, explanation, or expression through anymedium of communication which is undertaken for financial consideration, excepttangential and incidental references to a crime. The term includes, but is notlimited to, a movie, book, magazine or newspaper article, tape recording, stillphotograph, radio or television program, live presentation, or reproduction orpresentation of any kind.
(4) "Convicted," as used in this chapter only, means a personwho has entered a plea of guilty or nolo contendere to a charge of a felonyoffense, regardless of the fine, sentence or other punishment imposed or whohas been found guilty after a trial on a charge of a felony offense.
(5) "Court" means the superior court.
(6) "Criminally responsible person" means a person who hasbeen convicted of a felony committed within the state of Rhode Island whichcaused another person to suffer personal injury or loss of property, or who hasbeen adjudicated not guilty by reason of insanity after a trial on a charge ofthe offense, or who has voluntarily admitted the commission of the offense.
(7) "Dependent" means a person wholly or partially dependentupon the income of the victim at the time of his or her death or would havebeen so dependent but for the incapacity due to the injury from which the deathresulted, and includes a child of the victim born after the death of the victim.
(8) "Pecuniary loss" includes:
(i) For personal injury:
(A) Medical expenses (including psychiatric care);
(B) Hospital expenses;
(C) Loss of past earnings; and
(D) Loss of future earnings because of a disability resultingfrom personal injury;
(ii) For death:
(A) Funeral and burial expenses; and
(B) Loss of support to the dependents of the victim; and
(iii) Any other expenses actually and necessarily incurred asa result of the personal injury or death.
(9) "Personal injury" means actual bodily harm, mental ornervous shock, or a pregnancy.
(10) "Relative" means a spouse, parent, grandparent,stepfather, stepmother, child, grandchild, brother, sister, half-brother,half-sister, and a spouse's parents.
(11) "Victim" means a person who suffers personal injury orloss of property as a direct result of the conduct of another person inperpetration of a criminal offense.