§ 12-25.1-5 Attorneys' fees. At the conclusion of the proceedings under § 12-25.1-4, the attorneyrepresenting a claimant who has received an award of compensation shall file astatement with the court setting forth the amount of fee proposed to be chargedin connection with his or her efforts and services rendered in the proceedings.After the fee information is filed by the attorney, the court shall determinewhether the proposed fee is reasonable. If the court initially determines thatthe proposed fee is unreasonable, the court shall, upon notice to the attorney,determine the amount of a reasonable fee. Upon certification by the court tothe effect that the fee has been established, the general treasurer shall payto the attorney named in the certification the amount of the counsel fee whichshall be paid from the appropriate portion of the criminal royalties fund. Anyattorney who charges, demands, receives, or collects for services rendered inconnection with any proceedings under this chapter any amount in excess of thatallowed under this section, if any compensation is paid, shall be subject todisciplinary action and other appropriate action to be taken by the supremecourt of the state of Rhode Island.