§ 12-25.1-6 Return of monies to criminallyresponsible person. (a) No funds attributable to a specific alleged criminally responsible personshall be distributed unless and until that person is determined to becriminally responsible as defined in this chapter. Immediately upon thedismissal of charges or the acquittal of the person for the crime which was thesubject of the commercial exploitation, all funds recovered by the generaltreasurer attributable to that person shall be paid to him or her together withany interest which accrued on those funds.
(b) Subject to the disposition of all claims and pendingclaims which have been brought against the funds attributable to the criminallyresponsible person, he or she may recover the remainder of the funds pursuantto § 12-25.1-3(c)(1)(viii) three (3) years and six (6) months followingthe last payment to or recovery by the general treasurer of the funds.