§ 12-25-20 Offenses to which chapterapplies. The office may award compensation in accordance with the provisions of thischapter for personal injury or death which resulted from offenses in thefollowing categories:
(1) Assault with intent to commit murder, robbery, or rape;
(2) Assault with a dangerous weapon;
(3) Assault and battery;
(4) Mayhem;
(5) Indecent assault and battery on a child under thirteen(13) years of age;
(6) Arson or statutory burning;
(7) Kidnapping;
(8) Robbery or larceny from that person;
(9) Murder;
(10) Manslaughter;
(11) First or second degree sexual assault;
(12) Child molestation, first or second degree;
(13) The abominable and detestable crime against nature orassault with intent to commit the abominable and detestable crime againstnature;
(14) Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs;
(15) Refusal by a driver to submit to a chemical test foralcohol or drugs in the immediate aftermath of a collision;
(16) Driving so as to endanger, resulting in death, pursuantto § 31-27-1;
(17) Driving so as to endanger, resulting in personal injury,pursuant to § 31-27-1.1;
(18) Any other crime excluding motor vehicle offenses otherthan those enumerated in this section which results in personal injury ordeath; and
(19) Failure to stop by a driver in circumstances whichresult in the death of any person, pursuant to § 31-26-1.