§ 12-25-22 Limitations upon awardingcompensation. (a) Actions for compensation under this chapter shall be commenced within three(3) years after the date of the personal injury or death, and no compensationshall be awarded for an injury or death resulting from a crime which was notreported to the appropriate law enforcement authority within ten (10) days ofits occurrence; provided, that the office shall have the authority to allow aclaim which was not reported pursuant to this section when the victim was belowthe age of eighteen (18) years of age or of unsound mind, or for good causeshown.
(b) No compensation shall be awarded under this chapter tothe victim, or in the case of death to dependent relatives or to the legalrepresentative, in a total amount in excess of twenty-five thousand dollars($25,000) plus any attorney fees awarded upon appeal to the treasurer or to thesuperior court pursuant to § 12-25-25.
(c) No compensation shall be awarded when the office, in itsdiscretion, determines that unjust enrichment to or on behalf of the offenderwould result. Compensation under this chapter shall not be awarded to anyvictim or dependent relative or legal representative if the award woulddirectly or indirectly inure to the benefit of the offender.
(d) No interest shall be included in or added to an award ofcompensation under this chapter.
(e) When the plaintiff is the victim's estate, it shall onlybe awarded compensation for the victim's actual medical, hospital, funeral, andburial expenses for which the victim or his or her estate is not compensated byany other source and for the loss of support to the dependents of the victim.