§ 12-25-23 Terms of the award. (a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, any award of compensationunder this chapter may be made on terms that the office deems appropriate.
(b) The Criminal Injuries Compensation Act shall be regardedas a fund of last resort. Accordingly, the office shall deduct from anypayments awarded under this chapter any payments received by the victim or byany of his or her dependents from the offender or from any person on behalf ofthe offender, or from the United States (except those received under thischapter), the state of Rhode Island or any state or any of its subdivisions, orfrom any insurance carrier, for personal injury or death compensable under thischapter, including lost wages, but only to the extent that the sum of thepayments and any award under this chapter are in excess of the totalcompensable injuries suffered by the victim as determined by the office.
(c) Any person who: (1) submits a false or fraudulentapplication; (2) intentionally makes or causes to be made any false statementor representation of a material fact in relation to any claim pending beforethe office; or (3) intentionally conceals or fails to disclose informationaffecting the amount or the initial or continued right to any award; shall bepunished by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000) orimprisonment for not more than six (6) months, or both.