§ 12-25-27 Reports to the senate and thehouse of representatives. The office shall coordinate the violent crimes indemnity funds and any federalmoneys available, and shall transmit to the governor and to the legislature anannual report setting forth:
(1) The amount of money in the fund at the start of the year;
(2) The amount of payments ordered to be contributed to thefund during the year;
(3) The amount of funds collected during the year;
(4) The number of claims filed during the year;
(5) The number of claims adjudicated during the year;
(6) The number of claims adjudicated in which the victim wasawarded compensation;
(7) The number of claims adjudicated in which the victim wasdenied compensation;
(8) The total amount of money disbursed from the fund duringthe year;
(9) The projected wait to receive compensation for casesfiled that year; and
(10) Any proposed legislative and other changes in theprogram.