§ 12-27-6 Unanswered cases. If no one appears and files an answer on or before the return date specified inthe order of notice, the court, upon being satisfied that the book, print,picture, film, motion picture film, magazine, pamphlet, ballad, printed paper,written material, photograph, figment, or other material is obscene, may orderthe clerk of court to enter a decree or order that the book, print, picture,film, motion picture film, magazine, pamphlet, ballad, printed paper, writtenmaterial, photograph, figment, or other material is obscene, but the court, inits discretion, may except from its decree a restricted category of persons towhom the book, print, picture, film, motion picture film, magazine, pamphlet,ballad, printed paper, written material, photograph, figment, or other materialmay be exhibited, sold, or distributed.