§ 12-3-9 Possession of property stolenoutside state. Whenever any property has been taken or obtained in any other state or areawithin the jurisdiction of the United States by robbery, stealing,embezzlement, fraudulent conversion, or false pretenses with the intent tocheat and defraud, and the property is brought into this state by any personwho knew it was so taken or obtained, that person shall be deemed guilty of theoffense described in § 11-41-2, and the offense may be alleged to havebeen committed in any county or in any division of the district court in whichthe person is found in possession of the property, or through which the personmay have transported the property. The person may be prosecuted and proceededagainst in the superior court at any location that may by order be designatedby the presiding justice or in the division of the district court in which theoffense is alleged to have been committed or in any division that may beordered by the chief judge pursuant to § 12-3-4(c).