§ 12-30-12 Annual report. (a) On the second Friday of January of each year, the attorney general shallsubmit a report to the general assembly stating the number of proposedagreements submitted to the witness protection review board during the previousyear and the number of agreements approved by the board and the attorneygeneral.
(b) In addition, the report shall provide:
(1) The number of witnesses currently in the program;
(2) The number of witnesses in the custody of the departmentof corrections and in the custody of the state police;
(3) The charges pending against each witness and the proposeddisposition resulting from his or her cooperation;
(4) The number of indictments that have resulted frominformation obtained from each witness;
(5) The number of convictions that have resulted from theinformation obtained from each witness and the sentences imposed by the court;and
(6) An itemization of all expenditures of public funds madeby or on behalf of each witness, listed by the purpose of the expenditure.
(c) The report shall not disclose the identity of any witnessnot already publicly known to be participating in the program, nor shall itdisclose any specific information that might tend to reveal the location of thewitness.