§ 12-30-4 Noncriminal witnesses. Whenever any law enforcement official of the state or any city or towndetermines that a prospective witness who is not incarcerated, charged, orunder investigation for commission of a felony requires custodial protectionand/or assistance with relocation due to a threat to the safety of that witnessor his or her family, the official shall immediately notify the attorneygeneral. An assistant attorney general and the law enforcement official shallinterview the prospective witness to determine what information he or shepossesses and what level of protection is required. If they determine that theevidence proffered is reliable and that the protection is necessary, theassistant attorney general shall prepare a written memorandum setting forth asummation of the information to be provided and the nature and cost of theprotection to be afforded. This memorandum shall be presented to the witnessprotection review board for its review and approval pursuant to § 12-30-3.