§ 12-5.1-14 Annual report of interceptionsto the general assembly. (a) On the second Friday of January, of each year, the attorney general shallsubmit a report to the general assembly stating the number of applications madefor orders during the previous year and the number of orders issued. Inaddition, the report shall provide, for each wiretap order and renewal:
(1) A breakdown of the effective period of the wiretap;
(2) The designation of the offenses for which the wiretap wassought;
(3) The number of interceptions made by the wiretap duringthe reported year;
(4) An indication whether any indictments were obtained as aresult of those intercepts; (5) An indication, if any motions to suppress weremade, whether the motions were granted; and
(6) The prosecutorial results, if any, of the wiretap,including the criminal sentences imposed on any individual who pleads or isconvicted of a crime in which wiretaps were instituted.
(b) If the wiretap order is a renewal from a previous year,or a case is closed in which a wiretap order had been previously obtained, thereport shall list with the information provided in subsection (a) of thissection a separate breakdown of the information for prior years. The reportshall not include any information of wiretaps which remain in operation at thetime the report is filed. This report shall be a public document. The reportshall also include the number of pen registers and trap and trace devicesauthorized.