§ 12-5.1-9 Return of inventory. (a) Within a reasonable time but not later than ninety (90) days after thetermination of the period of the order or of extensions of the order, thepresiding justice of the superior court shall cause to be served on the personnamed in the order or application, and any other parties to the interceptedcommunications that the presiding justice of the superior court may determinein his or her direction to be in the interest of justice, an inventory whichshall include:
(1) Notice of the entry of the order or the application for adenied order of approval;
(2) The date of the entry of the order or the denial of theapplication for an order of approval;
(3) The period of authorized, approved or disapprovedinterception;
(4) The fact that during the period wire, electronic, or oralcommunications were or were not intercepted.
(b) The judge, upon the filing of a motion, may in his or herdiscretion make available to the person or the person's counsel for inspectionany portions of the intercepted communications, applications, and orders thatthe judge determines to be in the interest of justice. On an ex parte showingof good cause to the judge, the serving of the inventory required by thissection may be postponed.