§ 12-5-3 Issuance and contents. (a) A warrant shall issue only upon complaint in writing, under oath of:
(1) A chief of police, deputy chief of police or othermembers of the police force of any city or town, sheriff, or deputy sheriff ofany county, member of the division of state police, full time conservationofficer of the department of environmental management, or other personspecifically authorized by law to bring complaints for violation of the lawwhich it is his or her responsibility to enforce;
(2) Additionally, in the case of property stolen, embezzled,or obtained by fraud or false pretenses, any person who has a right to thepossession of the property.
(b) Within fourteen (14) days of the issuance of any warrantunder this chapter, whether or not executed, the warrant, accompanied by anysupporting affidavits and an inventory of any property seized, shall bereturned to the district court having jurisdiction over the place of the searchor, in the event of a warrant that is not executed, the court from which it wasissued. The returns shall be maintained by the district court according to thedate of issuance. If not otherwise indicated, the return shall note whether thewarrant was executed.