§ 12-7-21 "Peace officer" defined. "Peace officer", as used within this chapter, means the following individualsor members of:
(1) Rhode Island state police;
(2) Any member of a municipal or local police department;
(3) Rhode Island marshals,
(4) Rhode Island airport corporation police;
(5) Rhode Island park police;
(6) Rhode Island capitol police;
(7) Rhode Island conservation officers;
(8) Rhode Island department of environmental managementofficers;
(9) Rhode Island fire marshals;
(10) Brown University police officers;
(11) University of Rhode Island campus police officers;
(12) Rhode Island College campus security;
(13) Campus security at the Community College of Rhode Island;
(14) Rhode Island sheriff's department;
(15) Rhode Island drug enforcement officers;
(16) The investigators of the department of attorney generalappointed pursuant to § 42-9-8.1;
(17) The director, assistant director, and other inspectorsand agents of the Rhode Island state fugitive task force appointed pursuant to§ 12-6-7.2;
(18) Any federal law enforcement officer;
(19) Correctional investigators and correctional officers ofthe Rhode Island department of corrections;
(20) The witness protection coordinator of the department ofattorney general;
(21) The warden, associate wardens, majors, captains,lieutenants, sergeants, correctional officers and investigators employed by aproject operated by a municipal detention facility corporation, including, butnot limited to, the Donald W. Wyatt Detention Facility; provided, such partieslisted in this subsection (21) herein shall be deemed to be peace officerswhile in performance of their duties for the municipal detention facility only,and shall not be deemed to be peace officers at any time when they are not inperformance of said duties; and
(22) Retired non-permanent sworn members of any municipalpolice department shall be deemed to be peace officers only while in theperformance of their duties for any municipal police department, and shall bepermitted to carry their firearm while in the performance of their duties forthe municipal police department, and shall be subject to in-service trainingrequirements of title 42, chapter 28.