§ 13-5-4 Hours of duty of matrons. (a) The respective hours of service of the police matrons shall be so arrangedby the authorities in charge of the police department that:
(1) In the city of Providence, at least one matron shall beon duty at all hours of the day and night; and
(2) In each of the other cities or towns one matron shall benear to and within call of each designated police station at all hours.
(b) Every police matron:
(1) In the city of Providence shall, during her hours ofservice, remain constantly on duty at the station at which she serves; and
(2) In each of the other cities or towns shall reside at ornear the station to which she is attached, and shall hold herself in readinessto answer any call from the station during her hours of service, so long as anywoman remains confined at the station.