§ 13-8-10 Prisoners subject to more thanone sentence. (a) If a prisoner is confined upon more than one sentence, a parole permit maybe issued whenever he or she has served a term equal to one-third ( 1/3) of theaggregate time which he or she shall be liable to serve under his or herseveral sentences, unless he or she has been sentenced to serve two (2) or moreterms concurrently, in which case the permit shall be issued when he or she hasserved a term equal to one-third ( 1/3) of the maximum term he or she isrequired to serve.
(b) If a prisoner, whether in confinement or on parole, issentenced to serve a term of imprisonment for an offense which was committedafter imposition of the sentence then being served, a permit may not be issueduntil he or she has served in confinement at least one-third ( 1/3) of the termof imprisonment to which he or she is sentenced for the subsequent offense. Incalculating the date the prisoner shall become eligible for a permit, the timespent in confinement on an earlier imposed concurrent sentence shall not becredited for the purposes of parole eligibility on the subsequent sentence. Inthe event a prisoner is convicted of two (2) or more subsequent offenses and issentenced to multiple terms of imprisonment for those offenses, the standardscontained in subsection (a) of this section shall be used to determine when heor she has served one-third ( 1/3) of the terms of confinement imposed for thesubsequent offenses and thereby is eligible for issuance of a permit under thissubsection.