§ 13-8-14.1 Parole standards. (a) At least once each calendar year the parole board shall adopt standards tobe utilized by the board in evaluating applications for parole of personsconvicted of a criminal offense and sentenced to the adult correctionalinstitutions. These standards shall establish, with the range of paroleeligibility set by statute, the portion of a sentence which should be serveddepending on the likelihood of recidivism as determined by a risk assessment,and shall serve as guidelines for the board in making individual paroledeterminations.
(b) The board shall consider the applicable standard prior torendering a decision on a parole application, and may make a determination atvariance with that standard only upon a finding that the determination iswarranted by individualized factors, such as the character and criminal recordof the applicant, the nature and circumstances of the offense or offenses forwhich the applicant was sentenced, the conduct of the applicant whileincarcerated, and the criteria set forth in § 13-8-14.
(c) In each case where the board grants an application priorto the time set by the applicable standard or denies an application on or afterthe time set by that standard, the board shall set forth in writing therationale for its determination.