§ 13-8-30 Community supervision for childmolestation offenses. Notwithstanding any other provision of the general laws to the contrary, anyperson convicted of first degree child molestation pursuant to § 11-37-8.1or second degree child molestation pursuant to § 11-37-8.3 shall, inaddition to any other penalty imposed, be subject to community supervision uponthat person's completion of any prison sentence, suspended sentence, and/orprobationary term imposed as a result of that conviction.
In the case of a person convicted of first degree childmolestation pursuant to § 11-37-8.1, community supervision shall be forlife and pursuant to the provisions of § 11-37-8.2.1, communitysupervision shall include electronic monitoring via an active globalpositioning system for life. In the case of a person eighteen (18) years orolder convicted of second degree child molestation pursuant to §11-37-8.3, the term of the original sentence imposed and the term of communitysupervision shall not exceed thirty (30) years.