§ 14-5-2 Definitions. For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions apply:
(1) "Child" or "minor" means any person under eighteen (18)years of age who is not married, is not a parent, or is not emancipated.
(2) "Chemical dependency" means addiction to alcohol and/orother drugs.
(3) "Licensed treatment facilities" means:
(i) A licensed hospital located in Rhode Island which isaccredited by the joint commission on the accreditation of hospitals;
(ii) An inpatient facility with residential rehabilitationtreatment and/or detoxification programs as licensed by the department ofmental health, retardation, and hospitals and accredited by the jointcommission on accreditation of hospitals. Treatment must be rendered under thedirect supervision of a licensed doctor of medicine;
(iii) Day/evening treatment services and/or partialhospitalization services in a licensed hospital located in Rhode Island or in afacility licensed by the department of mental health, retardation, andhospitals for substance dependency and substance abuse treatment;
(iv) A facility located in Rhode Island with non-residentialtreatment programs and facilities approved and licensed by the department ofmental health, retardation, and hospitals; or
(v) An out-of-state facility which has been approved by thedepartment of mental health, retardation, and hospitals.
(4) "Non-custodial, non-invasive treatment" means anytreatment where the juvenile is not detained overnight or in any way againsthis or her will, and which consists only of counseling. This counseling caninclude help for personal problems and for coping with parental alcohol anddrug problems.
(5) "Parent" means a natural or adoptive parent, or a legalguardian.
(6) "Qualified professional" means a physician, nurse,credentialed substance abuse counselor, certified social worker, or a licensedpsychologist.
(7) "Substance abuse" means abuse of alcohol and/or otherdrugs.