§ 14-6.2-3 Ratification procedure Effective date. When the governor shall have executed the compact on behalf of this state andshall have caused a verified copy to be filed with the secretary of state; andwhen the compact shall have been ratified by one or more of the state[states], territories or possessions of the United States, theDistrict of Columbia, and/or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, then the compactshall become operative and effective as between this state and those otherstate or states, territories or possessions of the United States, the Districtof Columbia, and/or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. The governor is authorizedand directed to take any action that may be necessary to complete the exchangeof official documents as between this state and any other state, territory orpossession of the United States, the District of Columbia, or the Commonwealthof Puerto Rico, ratifying the compact.