§ 15-11.1-6 Certification ofnoncompliance. (a) The department may certify in writing to any appropriate board that asupport obligor is not in compliance with a court order of support if:
(1) The obligor does not timely request a hearing uponservice of a notice issued under § 15-11.1-3 and is not in compliance witha court order of support thirty-one (31) days after service of the notice ormailing of the notice;
(2) The family court issues a decision or order after ahearing that finds the obligor is not in compliance with a court order ofsupport, and the obligor has not appealed the decision within any applicableappeal period provided by law for appeals of a decision or order of amagistrate of the family court; or
(3) After a decision or order of the family court has beenappealed, a decision or order of the Rhode Island supreme court whichdetermines or affirms that the obligor is not in compliance with a court orderof support.
(b) The department's certification shall include a copy ofthe decision or order of the court, where applicable. The department shall sendby first class mail a copy of any certification of noncompliance filed with aboard to the obligor at the obligor's most recent address of record.
[See § 12-1-15 of the General Laws.]