§ 15-11.1-8 Reporting. (a) During each renewal period all boards subject to this chapter shall provideto the department specified information, according to standards established bythe department, about applicants for licensure and all current licensees.
(b) All boards subject to this chapter shall provide thespecified information for only those current licensees that are residents ofthis state.
(c) The information to be provided must include all of thefollowing information to the extent that this information is maintained by theboard about the licensee:
(1) Name;
(2) Address of record;
(3) Federal employer identification number or social securitynumber;
(4) Type of license;
(5) Effective date of license or renewal;
(6) Expiration date of license; and
(7) Active or inactive status.
[See § 12-1-15 of the General Laws.]