§ 15-15.1-5 Registration of order. (a) Any individual may register a foreign protection order in this state. Toregister a foreign protection order, an individual shall:
(1) present a certified copy of the order to the appropriatelaw enforcement agency; or
(2) present a certified copy of the order to the departmentof attorney general and request that the order be registered with theappropriate law enforcement agency.
(b) Upon receipt of a foreign protection order theappropriate law enforcement agency shall register the order in accordance withthis section. After the order is registered the appropriate law enforcementagency shall furnish to the individual registering the order a certified copyof the registered order.
(c) The appropriate law enforcement agency shall register anorder upon presentation of a copy of a protective order which has beencertified by the issuing state. A registered foreign protection order that isinaccurate or is not currently in effect must be corrected or removed from theregistry in accordance with the law of this state.
(d) An individual registering a foreign protection ordershall file an affidavit by the protected individual stating that, to the bestof the protected individual's knowledge, the order is currently in effect.
(e) A foreign protection order registered under this chaptermay be entered in any existing state or federal registry of protection orders,in accordance with applicable law.
(f) A fee may not be charged for the registration of aforeign protection order.