§ 15-16-10 Duties and liabilities ofwithholding agent. (a) An income withholding agent shall remit to the clerk of the family court,or any other remittee as directed in the income withholding order, all amountswithheld from the income of an obligor within seven (7) days of the date theincome was paid or payable to the obligor, and the income withholding agentshall specify the date and amount of each withholding included in theremittance, the social security number of the obligor, the child supportaccount number, the employee's name, and any other information as required ifelectronic transfer is utilized. The withholding agent may combine withheldamounts from two (2) or more obligors into a single payment, provided that thewithholding agent separately identifies the individual obligors and the amountattributable to each obligor.
(b) An income withholding agent may deduct a fee of twodollars ($2.00) from the obligor's remaining income for each payment madepursuant to an income withholding order under this chapter.
(c) The income withholding agent must notify the department,in writing, of the termination of the obligor's employment within ten (10) daysof the termination. Notice shall include the last known address of the obligorand the name and address of the obligor's new employer, if known.
(d) Any withholding agent failing to comply with any of therequirements of this chapter may be punished by the family court or itsmagistrate for civil contempt. The court or its magistrate shall first affordthe withholding agent a reasonable opportunity to purge itself of the contempt.
(e) Any withholding agent who fails or refuses to deliverincome pursuant to an income withholding order issued under this chapter, whenthe withholding agent has had in its possession the income, shall be personallyliable for the amount of the income which the withholding agent failed orrefused to deliver, together with costs, interest, and reasonable attorney'sfees.
(f) Any withholding agent who dismisses, demotes,disciplines, refuses to hire, or in any way penalizes an obligor on account ofany income withholding order issued under this chapter shall be liable to theobligor for all damages, together with costs, interest thereon, and reasonableattorney's fees resulting from the action, and shall be subject to a fine notto exceed one hundred dollars ($100). The withholding agent shall be requiredto make full restitution to the aggrieved obligor, including reinstatements andback pay.
(g) A withholding agent may be enjoined by a court ofcompetent jurisdiction from continuing any action in violation of this chapter.
(h) Compliance by a withholding agent with an incomewithholding order issued under this chapter operates as a discharge of thewithholding agent's liability to the obligor as to that portion of theobligor's income affected.