§ 15-16-12 Allocation of amounts withheld Refunds Distribution. (a) In the event that there are two (2) or more income withholding ordersagainst the same income of an obligor, the department shall allocate anddistribute the amount remitted by the withholding agent between or among theseparate income withholding orders giving priority to current supportobligations as follows:
(1) Each obligee shall be allocated an amount in theproportion which each obligee's current support order under income withholdingbears relative to the total of all amounts for current support under incomewithholding orders; and
(2) Any remaining withheld income shall be allocated to eachobligee in an amount proportional to which each obligee's arrearage order underincome withholding bears relative to the total of all amounts ordered to bepaid on arrearages under income withholding orders.
(b) The department shall promptly refund to an obligor theamounts, if any, which may have been improperly withheld.
(c) The department shall promptly distribute amounts receivedunder income withholding orders in accordance with § 457 of the federalSocial Security Act, 42 U.S.C. § 657.