§ 15-16-15 Initiation of incomewithholding with other jurisdictions. (a) With respect to a state that has not adopted the Uniform Interstate FamilySupport Act (UIFSA), on behalf of any client for whom the department is alreadyproviding services, or on application of a resident of this state who is anobligee or obligor of a support order issued by this state, or of an agency towhom the obligee has assigned support rights, the department shall promptlyrequest the agency of another jurisdiction in which the obligor of a supportorder derives income to enter the order for the purpose of obtaining incomewithholding against that income.
(b) The department shall compile and promptly transmit to theagency of the other jurisdiction all documentation required to enter a supportorder for this purpose.
(c) The department also shall immediately transmit to theagency of the other jurisdiction a certified copy of any subsequentmodifications of the support order.