§ 15-16-6 Notice to obligor. The notice to the obligor required under § 15-16-5 shall inform theobligor:
(1) Of the amount of the support arrearage and the amount ofincome that has been withheld for payment of current support, arrearages, andany fees allowable under this chapter;
(2) That the provision for withholding of income applies toany current or subsequent employer or period of employment;
(3) Of the procedures available for contesting thewithholding and that, in accordance with § 15-16-5, the grounds forcontesting the withholding are limited to mistakes of fact;
(4) Of the period within which the obligor must file astatement contesting withholding with the department;
(5) Of the opportunity to contest the income withholding at ahearing before a master of the family court.