§ 15-16-7 Income withholding bywithholding agency Registry Judicial review. (a) If an obligor or obligee requests income withholding or if the obligorfails to timely file his or her statement contesting income withholding asrequired under § 15-16-5, the income withholding shall become effectivewithout the necessity for a hearing before a magistrate of the family court,and the department shall issue an income withholding order to the withholdingagent with notice of the order to the obligor, in accordance with §15-16-9.
(b) The department shall maintain a central registry of allincome withholding orders issued pursuant to this section and § 15-16-8,and it shall enter these orders on the CSE system.
(c) An obligor aggrieved by the issuance of an incomewithholding order by the department under this section shall be entitled tojudicial review de novo by the family court.