§ 15-20-1 Notification to and by employer. (a) With respect to any support order maintained and enforced under the RhodeIsland Family Court/Department of Administration, division of taxation, ChildSupport Enforcement System ("CSE System"), the clerk of the family court and/orthe department of administration, division of taxation shall notify the currentemployer of the obligor parent of the existence of such order. The director ofthe department shall, by regulation, prescribe the timing and the form of thenotice and the information to be provided in the notice, and the form, timing,and content of all other notices required under this chapter.
(b) Within ten (10) days of the termination of an obligorparent employee, the employer shall notify the department of administration,division of taxation, child support enforcement, of the termination of theemployee, and the date of the termination.
[See § 12-1-15 of the General Laws.]