§ 15-20-4 Duty of parent to notifydepartment Residence. (a) When the obligor parent and/or custodial parent change residence it shallbe the duty of this parent to notify the department of the change of residencewithin ten (10) days.
(b) This section applies to all cases brought pursuant to theRhode Island state plan for child and spousal support, in conformance withtitle IV-D, part D of the Federal Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. § 651 etseq.
(c) The procedures set forth in § 15-5-16.2(h) relativeto notice shall apply to all cases recorded with the Rhode Island familycourt/department of administration, division of taxation, child supportenforcement system where services are not being provided under the state plan.
(d) All notices and pleadings shall be mailed and/or servedto the appropriate party at the most recent address of record.