§ 15-21-1 Arrearages Collectionprocedures. (a) The department of administration, division of taxation, child supportenforcement, in accordance with Title IV, Part D of the Social Security Act, 42U.S.C. § 651 et seq., is authorized to institute collection procedures forall arrearages which accrue against child support payments owed pursuant to acourt judgment or support order.
(b) These collection procedures shall include, but not belimited to, notification to employers that a wage assignment is in effect andnot suspended; notification to obligors; demand letters; use of state andfederal tax refund intercept programs; initiation of contempt proceedings; useof lien, levy, and foreclosure of lien as provided in this chapter; garnishmentor attachment of or lien against property; trustee process; civil actions; andany other civil remedy including body attachment, where appropriate, availablefor the enforcement of judgments or for the enforcement of child support orders.
[See § 12-1-15 of the General Laws.]