§ 15-22-3 Administrative subpoena. (a) The department of administration, division of taxation, and any other stateor federal agency taking action to establish paternity, establish or modifychild support or medical orders, enforce child support orders or location ofindividuals for the above, shall be authorized to issue subpoenas asappropriate to the individuals and entities named in this chapter to securefinancial and other information relating to the obligor for the purpose of andto the extent necessary for the administration of the child support enforcementprogram.
(b) Any entity or individual who fails to reply to anadministrative subpoena shall be liable for a civil penalty of one hundreddollars ($100) for the violation, to be assessed by the department ofadministration, division of taxation, child support enforcement, or the RhodeIsland family court, and shall be required to provide the information and/orcomply with the request.