§ 15-26-2 Operation. (a) The centralized state collection and disbursement unit shall be operateddirectly by the department of administration, division of taxation or itsdesignee and in coordination with the automated system.
(b) The centralized state collection and disbursement unitshall use the automated procedures, electronic processes, including theelectronic funds transfer (EFT) provisions as authorized by the taxadministrator under § 44-1-31, and computer driven technology to themaximum extent feasible, efficient and economical for the collection anddisbursement of support payments, including procedures for receipt fromparents, employers, and other states, and for disbursement to custodial parentsand other obligees, the state agency, and the agencies of other states:
(i) For accurate identification of payments;
(ii) To ensure prompt disbursement of the custodial parent'sshare of any payment; and
(iii) To furnish to any parent, upon request, timelyinformation on the current status of support payments.