§ 15-7.2-12 Limits on releasinginformation. (a) A registry shall release only information necessary for identifying a birthparent, adult adoptee or adult genetic sibling of an adult adoptee, and shallnot release information of any kind pertaining to:
(1) The adoptive parents;
(2) The siblings to the adult adoptee who are children of theadoptive parents; and
(3) The income of anyone.
(b) In the event of a verified match and release ofidentifying information, the registry, upon the written request of the adultadoptee of the match, shall certify to the state registrar of vital recordsthat the adult adoptee is a party to a verified match and is entitled toreceive uncertified copies of his or her original birth certificate. Thecertification shall also state that no person other than the adult adoptee isentitled to receive copies of the original birth certificate. However, nouncertified copy of the original birth certificate may be released to the adultadoptee unless each party named on the original birth certificate hasregistered. Registration by a birth parent not named on the original birthcertificate shall not be required for release of the uncertified copy of theoriginal birth certificate.