§ 15-7.2-8 Failure of a necessaryregistrant to file an affidavit. (a) Except as provided in this chapter, if a birth parent or an adoptee failsto file an affidavit with the registry for any reason, including disability,but excluding death, identifying information shall not be disclosed to thoserelevant persons who do register. No registration shall be accepted unless theregistry is satisfied as to the identity of the registrants.
(b) In the event of the death of the adoptee, the adoptiveparent or parents of the deceased adoptee may register, may be considered thenecessary registrant in lieu of the deceased adoptee, and identifyinginformation may be disclosed to the relevant persons in the event of a verifiedmatch.
(c) In the event of the death of the birth parent or birthparents, the parent or adult sibling of a deceased birth parent may register,may be considered the necessary registrant in lieu of the deceased birthparent, and identifying information may be disclosed to the relevant persons inthe event of a verified match.