§ 15-7-10 Consent of minor parents. (a) For the purposes of this section, "minor" refers to an individual under theage of eighteen (18).
(b) No minor parent may give a binding consent to anyadoption petition or to any termination of rights pursuant to § 15-7-6except with the consent of one of the parents, guardian, or guardian ad litemof the minor parent; provided, that if the whereabouts of both of the parentsof the minor parent are unknown, that fact shall be sworn to by the petitionersor an unauthorized officer or official of a duly licensed child placementagency or of a governmental child placement agency; after notice in accordancewith § 15-7-9 and upon finding that the granting of the petition foradoption or the termination of rights is in the best interest of the child, thefamily court may grant the petition.