§ 15-7-17 Rights of natural parentsterminated Inheritance by child from natural parents. The parents of the child shall be deprived, by the decree, of all legal rightsrespecting the child, and the child shall be freed from all obligations ofmaintenance and obedience respecting his or her natural parents except that thegranting of the petition for adoption will not deprive an adopted child of theright to inherit from and through his or her natural parents in the same manneras all other natural children; provided, that the right to inherit from andthrough natural parents of an adopted child born out of wedlock shall be asprovided in § 33-1-8; and provided, further, that the decree of adoptionshall in no way affect all legal rights of a natural parent respecting thechild and all obligations of the child of maintenance and obedience respectinga natural parent if the natural parent is legally married to the adoptingparent at the time of the decree of adoption. Notwithstanding the rights of anadopted child to inherit from or through his or her natural parents as providedin this section, or as provided in § 33-1-8, any administrator, executoror trustee who without knowledge of said adopted child, otherwise carries outthe administrators, executors, or trustees lawful responsibility shall not beliable to the adopted child for any damages resulting therefrom.