§ 15-7-2 Report, investigation, andhearing on placement of child for adoption. (a) Whenever a parent or parents places a child with a person or persons, otherthan a father, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, grandparent, or stepparent of thechild for adoption purposes, the person or persons with whom the child has beenplaced for adoption shall, within fifteen (15) days of the placement, notifythe department of children, youth, and families of the placement.
(b) The willful failure, neglect, or refusal of the person orpersons with whom the child has been placed to make the report within fifteen(15) days shall be considered in violation of this chapter and prejudicial tothe best interests of the child. The department shall, when it receives thenotice or when it receives notice from any source that the person or personswith whom the child has been placed has failed, refused, or neglected to makethe report within fifteen (15) days of placement, make any investigation thatit deems necessary in the circumstances.
(c) The results of the investigation shall be then referredto the family court within sixty (60) days of the receipt by the department ofthe notice.
(d) The family court, after any notice that it deems properto the parent or parents and the person or persons with whom the child has beenplaced, shall hold a hearing to determine whether the placement of the child isor is not for the best interest of the child.
(e) If the court finds that the placement is not for the bestinterest of the child, or is contrary to law, it shall order that the child bereturned to its parent or parents or placed with the department or a licensedchild placing agency or with whomsoever the court deems for the best interestof the child.