§ 15-7-26 Notice to natural father. (a) If the court, after examination, determines that the natural father has notjoined in a petition either for the termination of parental rights of apetition for adoption or has not executed a waiver, then the court shall causeinquiry to be made of the mother, as the court in its discretion shall deemappropriate.
(b) If, after the inquiry, the natural father is identifiedto the satisfaction of the court, he or she shall be given notice in accordancewith § 15-7-8 or in any other manner that the court may direct. Proof ofgiving the notice shall be filed with the court before a petition fortermination of parental rights or a petition for adoption is granted. If thenatural father fails to appear, or if appearing fails to claim any rights tothe child, the court shall enter an order terminating his or her rights withreference to the child. If the natural father or a man representing himself orherself to be the natural father claims rights to the child, the court shallproceed to determine his or her rights.
(2) If, after the inquiry, the court is able to identify thenatural father but his or her whereabouts are unknown, or if the court isunable to identify the natural father, the court, on the basis of allinformation available, shall determine whether there is a reasonableprobability that publication of notice of the proceeding will lead to theascertainment of his or her identity or whereabouts. If so, the court may orderpublication in accordance with § 15-7-9.