§ 15-7-3 Report, investigation, andhearing on child brought into state for adoption. (a) Whenever any person or persons brings or causes to be brought a child, notrelated to him or her or them, into this state for the purpose of adoption, heor she or they shall make a report to the department of children, youth andfamilies within fifteen (15) days of the entry of the child into this state.
(b) The willful failure, neglect, or refusal of the person orpersons having brought or having caused the child to be brought into this stateto make the report shall be considered a violation of this chapter andprejudicial to the best interest of the child. The department, upon receipt ofthe notice or when it receives notice from any source that the person orpersons having brought or having caused the child to be brought into this statehas or have willfully failed, refused, or neglected to make the report, shallmake any investigation that it deems necessary in the circumstances and reportthe results of that investigation to the family court within sixty (60) daysafter receipt of the notice.
(c) The family court, after any notice that it deems properto the parent or parents, and the person or persons having brought, or havingcaused to be brought, the child into this state, shall, after the filing of thereport, hold a hearing to determine whether the proposed placement for adoptionis or is not for the best interest of the child.
(d) If the court finds that the proposed placement foradoption is not for the best interest of the child, it shall order that thechild be returned to its parent or parents or placed through the department ora licensed child placing agency or with whomsoever the court deems for the bestinterest of the child.