§ 15-7-4 Petition to adopt Courthaving jurisdiction. (a) Any person residing in Rhode Island may petition the family court for leaveto adopt as his or her child any person younger than him or herself and undereighteen (18) years of age, and, if desired, for a change of the child's name,but the prayer of the petition by a person having a husband or wife shall notbe granted unless the husband or wife joins in the petition; provided, thatupon good cause shown and a showing that the granting of the petition foradoption would be in the best interests of the minor child, the prayer of thepetition may be granted although the spouse of the petitioner is not a party tothe petition.
(b) The family court shall retain jurisdiction over anypetition properly filed under subsection (a) when and if the petitioners becomenonresidents after the petition is filed, but during the pendency of the action.
(c) Any person not a resident of Rhode Island may petitionthe family court for leave to adopt as his or her child any person younger thanhim or herself and under eighteen (18) years of age, and, if desired, for achange of the child's name, if the child is at the time of the filing of thepetition in the care and custody of a governmental child placing agency, orlicensed Rhode Island child placing agency, but the prayer of the petition by aperson having a husband or wife shall not be granted unless the husband or wifejoins in the petition.
(d) Petitions for adoptions of persons eighteen (18) years orolder shall be heard by the probate court of the city or town in which thepetitioners live.
(e) The department shall grant an opportunity for a fairhearing, pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 671(a)(12) and chapter 35 of title 42 toan individual residing outside of Rhode Island who alleges that the departmentdenied or delayed placement of a child for adoption.