§ 15-8-18.1 Entry of default and defaultjudgment. (a) In addition to any other basis for entry of default and default judgmentprovided in the rules of procedure for domestic relations, the family courtshall enter the defendant's default and a judgment by default in a paternityaction under this chapter upon the following conditions:
(1) Failure to respond to the paternity complaint withintwenty (20) days, upon proof presented that the defendant has been duly servedthe complaint;
(2) Failure to appear at a scheduled hearing or trial afterbeing duly notified of the hearing or trial, upon proof presented that thedefendant has been duly served with notice of the scheduled hearing or trial; or
(3) Failure to appear or refusal to attend blood testing uponproof presented that the defendant has been duly notified of the date, time,and place of the testing.
(b) The court may set aside an entry of default and, ifjudgment by default has been entered, may likewise set it aside, in accordancewith the rules of procedure for domestic relations.