§ 15-8-27 Voluntary acknowledgement Family court practice. (a) In any action commenced before the family court, the father may acknowledgehis paternity of the child with the clerk of the family court. Eachacknowledgement must be signed by the person filing it and contain:
(1) The name, social security number, date of birth, andaddress of the person filing the acknowledgement;
(2) The name and last known address of the mother of thechild;
(3) The date of birth of the child, or, if the child isunborn, the month and year in which the child is expected to be born; and
(4) The name and address of the presumed father, if any.
(b) The judge shall hold an informal hearing on theacknowledgement and shall enter an order establishing the paternity of thechild and an order of support for the child; provided, that there are noobjections from the natural mother or presumed father filed with the familycourt prior to the date of the informal hearing; and provided, further, that acopy of the acknowledgement and a notice of the informal hearing are dulyserved upon the mother and any presumed father in accordance with the rules ofprocedure for domestic relations.
(c) The voluntary acknowledgement of paternity shall berecognized by the family court as a basis for establishing a child supportorder for the child without requiring any further proceedings to establishpaternity.