§ 16-11.4-2 Policy advisory board onteacher and administrator certification Establishment Composition. (a) There is hereby established a policy advisory board on teacher andadministrator certification to consist of nine (9) members: two (2) of whomshall be representatives of the Rhode Island Federation of Teachers and HealthProfessionals; two (2) of whom shall be representatives of the NationalEducation Association of Rhode Island; one of whom shall be a representative ofthe University of Rhode Island School of Education; one of whom shall be arepresentative of the Rhode Island College School of Education; one of whomshall be a representative of the Rhode Island Association of School Principals;one of whom shall be a representative of the Rhode Island Association of SchoolAdministrators; and one of whom shall be the commissioner of higher education,or his or her designee. The director of the department of elementary andsecondary education office of teacher preparation, certification andprofessional development shall be non-voting ex-officio to the board. Thepolicy advisory board shall advise the commissioners of elementary andsecondary education and the board of regents for elementary and secondaryeducation on the development of all policies, rules, and regulations relatingto the certification of teachers and administrators.