§ 16-12-9 Residency within municipalitynot required. Notwithstanding any prior ratification and validation by the general assemblyof any home rule charter provision requiring that a public school departmentemployee reside within the employing city or town, effective September 1, 2001,no home rule charter provision shall require that a public school departmentemployee reside within the city or town as a condition of appointment orcontinued employment. Any prior ratification and validation by the generalassembly of a home rule charter provision requiring residency within a city ortown as a condition for employment of a public school department employee isexpressly repealed by the general assembly. Nor shall any town or city councilmake or ordain any ordinance requiring that a public school department employeereside within the employing city or town as a condition of appointment orcontinued employment. Any existing ordinance requiring that a public schooldepartment employee reside within the employing city or town as a condition ofappointment or continued employment is considered contrary to the laws of thisstate and is thus void as violative of state law.