§ 16-19-1.1 Grants and gifts Acceptance and expenditure Coventry Woonsocket. (a) The Coventry and Woonsocket school departments or school committees mayaccept any and all donations, gifts and grants of money, equipment, supplies,materials and services, conditional or otherwise, from any state, the federalgovernment, or any governmental entity or agency; or from any person, firm,association, foundation or corporation, and shall receive, utilize and disposeof the same pursuant to the express terms or conditions stipulated by suchdonation, gift or grant.
(b) Any amounts so received shall be deposited with thecity/town treasurer and shall be held as a separate account and may be expendedby such school department or school committee receiving the grant, gift ordonations without further appropriation.
(c) If the express terms or conditions of the donation, giftor grant so stipulate, interest on the donated, gifted or granted funds mayremain with and become a part of the donation, gift or grant account and may beexpended as part of the donation, gift or grant by the school department orschool committee receiving the donation, gift or grant without furtherappropriation.