§ 16-19-3 Appointment and compensation oftruant officers Supplies and assistance Joint officers Tenure. The school committee of each city or town shall annually in the month ofDecember appoint one or more persons as truant officers, who shall by virtue oftheir appointment be clothed with the power of special constables, and fixtheir compensation, which shall be payable from the appropriation for publicschools. The school committee may also furnish all necessary supplies andclerical assistance for the proper and efficient performance of the duties ofthe truant officer. The school committee of two (2) or more cities or towns mayappoint the same truant officer or officers, and any school committee thatappoints other employees on a different tenure of office than annualappointments may appoint truant officers on a similar tenure in lieu of theannual appointment mentioned in this section and may fix their compensationfrom time to time.