§ 16-2-13 Joint committee Annualconvention Superintendent Dissolution. The school committees of the cities or towns voting to unite for the purpose ofthe employment of a superintendent of the schools as prescribed in §16-2-12, shall form a joint committee, for the purpose of this chapter; thejoint committee shall be the agents of each city or town comprising the union.The school committees shall meet annually in joint convention at a place andtime agreed upon by the chairpersons of the several school committees, andshall organize by the choice of a chairperson and secretary. They shall chooseby ballot a superintendent of schools, fix his or her salary, and apportion theamount to be paid by each of the cities or towns, approximately according tothe next preceding school census in the city or town. The union shall not bedissolved because the number of schools shall have increased beyond the numberof sixty (60), nor, for any reason, for the period of three (3) years from thedate of the formation of the union, except by concurrent votes of the schoolcommittees of a majority of the cities or towns constituting the union.